Monday, July 4, 2011

My Sanity...

We all know how much I love our Logan he is a very important member of our family.

Well on Saturday morning bright and early. We are talking 5:30am Logan jumps on my bed and starts barking and jumping on my bed. I wasn't fully awake so wasn't thinking clearly so I went to let him into the backyard to potty but he just kept barking and wouldn't go out. I knew Jakers was in bed because he's in our room. Well then look at the couch and saw a notebook. The older 2 boys left a note because they decided to walk next door to their grandparents house to go to yard sales. So I called and they were sitting outside working out at my in laws house. I was so proud of Logan for alerting me to something different going on. He knew something was right and he came and got me. Even if I was a little slow in figuring it out. We then walked down to my in laws so he could see that the boys were OK and then we went back home and he got a nice treat :)

Everyday I am very thankful for DFA ( and everything they do for their families.

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