Sunday, September 13, 2009

2 Weeks and a Day....

Can you guys believe that? Its been 2 whole weeks and a Day since Logan's Grand Arrival....

It has been an amazing life changing 2 weeks. We have had some alerts which is FANTASTIC and is distracting meltdowns. But the AMAZING part is this is so far just from instincts!

Now we have had a few rough patches last week when we up and changed the schedule on Logan, let me tell you this guy doesn't like to be separated from his boys, especially Jacob.

Now on to the ALERTS!!

On the same day as arrival I was in the kitchen and Jacob was unlocking the front door I yelled NO Outside and Logan got between Jacob and the door, now I just brushed this one off as a chance happening but he is still doing this, we haven't got it down to a science and if by chance Jacob gets by Logan, he starts barking and I come running.

On the 4th day he stopped Hunter from having a huge meltdown which was AMAZING to say the least. Hunter's meltdowns are indescribable. Hunter and I were doing homework and Hunter was having issues with me suggesting he call his teacher on the homework helpline for help. So Hunter drops to the floor starts crying and rocking. Logan walks over and paws him on the back and then started to put his face where Hunter was rocking and trying to sniff his face but Hunter turned around so Logan grabs his rope toy and brings it over to Hunter and start shaking it at Hunter and then when Hunter grabbed it Logan started pulling and shaking it so Hunter pulled back some and Logan let go, So Hunter threw it and Logan ran and fetched it and brought it back then they played with the rope for about 10minutes by then Hunter was calm and laughing at Logan. I praised Logan the whole time and gave him a doggie treat when he was done.

We have also had multiple alerts of Night Waking by all 3 of the boys I honestly never knew they got up so much at night.
Now it hasn't always been easy, Logan is a lot of work its not all fun and games. I've had to change my schedule to make sure I have time to walk him, and let him have his exercise and what not. He will let you know at time he is still a puppy and wants to play. But we are very thankful for DFA and for Logan and what a great match he is. I promise I will post more pics in the Morning...


  1. Wow!! I'm soo glad that your family is bonding with him, and that he is proving to be such an amazing help!

  2. what an amazing story. I came her via Heather's awesome "be nice to one another" idea...and I just caught up on your family. What an adventure! :) I'm grateful you have the help and love of Logan to look forward to. Merry Christmas to your family!

